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Kukuwa Shelters Initiative

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals is a universal plan of action that details the need to achieve sustainable development in a balanced manner and realize the human rights of all people. It calls for no one to be left behind and for these SDGs to be met in all segments of society, at all ages, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable —including older persons.

InPact supports the elderly in Uganda with basic needs including building shelters for the most needy.


We identify and build safe and affordable housing for elderly persons living in squalid housing conditions.


We work with local leaders, communities and contractors to identify and build decent low cost homes for elderly persons. Our housing unit costs up-to Uganda Shillings 5 million (USD 1,500) to complete and is designed to fit the needs and environment in which the elderly person lives. We propose to build a housing unit that is secure, meets the needs of the occupant and is within their means to maintain beyond initial completion.



Read out Mzee Evaristo's story in our article - What About the Jjajas?

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